# | Name | Status | Time | Rating | Sewers? | Thoughts |
1 | RoboCop | Played | 7:04:43 | Would be much more enjoyable if it had checkpoints, or if the blue robots didn't exist. Cut one of the two and it's a fine game but you can't have both | ||
2 | Dynasty Warriors 3 | Played | 9:57:55 | I didn't expect the stats to be so important. Without intense savescumming this would have been impossible. At least it wasn't boring? | ||
3 | Pirates of the Caribbean | Played | 14:24:51 | Buggy, unpolished, repetitive, check and MATE | ||
4 | Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone | Played | 4:24:34 | LOTR movie games but better. Most of the difficulty came from infinite spawning enemies which is lame. The ladder kicking is intact | ||
5 | Castlevania: Curse of Darkness | Played | 12:19:43 | Really fun action gameplay, good bosses. Level design is entirely rectangular hallways | ||
6 | Final Fight: Streetwise | Played | 6:34:49 | Surprisingly fun, the weakest link is probably the gameplay though lol | ||
7 | Amped: Freestyle Snowboarding | Played | 22:30:43 | I take back every negative thing I ever said about SSX On Tour. Demands way too much perfection, way too long, insane 100% requirement for credits | ||
8 | Ford Racing 2 | Played | 3:05:48 | Surprisingly decent. I liked the idea of having different missions for each unique car, but needs more mission variety. | ||
9 | Dreamfall: The Longest Journey | Played | 10:47:45 | I wish this game had a bit more actual gameplay to it. Story is mostly incomprehensible, maybe playing the 1st/3rd games would help. The undreaming is unchained | ||
10 | Grand Theft Auto III | Played | 6:59:04 | It's about the chaos. Freedom to do missions in multiple ways is really cool | ||
11 | Backyard Wrestling: Don't Try This at Home | Played | 1:36:11 | Someone in chat said this game was Spike TV-core and nothing could be more accurate. Plays like ass btw | ||
12 | TransWorld Snowboarding | Played | 4:48:40 | Combo system was super fun, controlled perfectly. Could do with more variety and difficulty in goals, I was able to 100% in under 5 hours... | ||
13 | The Warriors | Played | 6:21:19 | Mostly a kinda boring/disappointing beat em up, probably better in co-op. Gets a lot better once the film stuff kicks in | ||
14 | The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay | Played | 6:12:48 | Very strangely paced and designed game, I liked a lot of the ideas though like the immersive sim lite bits in the middle | ||
15 | Pro Race Driver | Played | 15:12:30 | The steering was so, so, SO bad it basically ruined the entire game. Punishing, no easy way to reset and races are usually over when you miss one turn. Has no soundtrack for some reason. Good ending though | ||
16 | Dead or Alive Ultimate | Played | 1:52:52 | really highly polished fighting game, kinda wish the story mode actually told you the story. Leifang is best girl | ||
17 | Superman Returns | Played | 5:04:01 | Why is this game like 98% the same copy pasted combat mission. Like this game has one mission and you'll do it 1000 times | ||
18 | Headhunter Redemption | Played | 11:15:38 | Has all the makings of a really great game, but for some reason it just kinda falls flat. I think the level design is a lot of the problem, it doesn't take full advantage of the setting until the end. Tinnitus simulator final boss | ||
19 | Just Cause | Played | 5:16:57 | This game feels held together by scotch tape. like not even duct tape. but it is held together | ||
20 | Circus Maximus: Chariot Wars | Played | 4:48:40 | Great idea, but ruined by the execution. Basically the Simpsons: Road Rage of kart racers | ||
21 | Trivial Pursuit Unhinged | Played | 2:02:29 | This game claimed that star trek fans call themselves "trekkers" and not "trekkies" and for that it must die | ||
22 | Star Wars: Starfighter | Played | 3:33:45 | Game suffers from "shit final mission" syndrome. Aside from that it was fine | ||
23 | Serious Sam | Played | 7:51:50 | TFE > TSE. They replaced quicksave with a lives sytem but gave you way too many lives so death doesn't matter. | ||
24 | Yourself!Fitness | Played | 43:39 | idk man, it's one of those fitness tapes but on the xbox | ||
25 | 25 To Life | Played | 3:38:38 | This game is objectively pretty terrible but it's still kinda fun I guess. Guns are way too inaccurate and enemies are too spongy | ||
26 | Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dawn of Destiny | Played | 12:48:55 | Very basic duel simulator with no story, terrible UI/UX, and the dumbest AI of all time. Has no reason to exist | ||
27 | Curse: The Eye of Isis | Played | 8:34:26 | If you've already played literally every other survival horror and still demand more, this game might be ok for you. Otherwise do not play it | ||
28 | Jaws Unleashed | Played | 5:14:54 | Has some great ideas, I really wanted to like it, but the execution is so awful that I just hated it the entire time | ||
29 | Prisoner of War | Played | 11:59:31 | really interesting and unique open-ended stealth game. Objectively extremely difficult to complete. World's dumbest guards | ||
30 | Murakumo: Renegade Mech Pursuit | Played | 2:38:58 | Feels like half a game. Like what's here is fine but there should've been a second mode in the campaign and there just isn't | ||
31 | Deus Ex: Invisible War | Played | 9:30:21 | I think I definitely understand why DX1 fans did not like this. At least to me this played like a really crap stealth shooter hybrid. | ||
32 | Toxic Grind | Playing | 2:03:19 | |||
33 | Zathura | Playing | 0:00 |
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