Gamecube Thing

Playtime Statistics

Total time: 2795:43:09

Estimated time remaining: 0:00

Average game length: 5:53:53

Longest games:

1. Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (44:58:28)

2. Baten Kaitos Origins (41:45:30)

3. Gladius (35:19:30)

Shortest games:

1. Tom and Jerry: War of the Whiskers (10:38)

2. One Piece: Grand Battle! Rush (12:18)

3. Shrek: Super Party (17:41)

Rating Statistics

Average rating: 2.49

  1| **********  (102)
  2| **************  (147)
  3| ************  (129)
  4| ******  (61)
  5| ***  (31)


Most Polled Game: Metal Arms: Glitch in the System (34 times)

Most Struck Game: Gladius (8 times)

Did you know that 28.69% of all gamecube games have a sewer level? (136 games)

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