Xbox Thing

Finished games (8/437)

# Name Status Time Rating Sewers? Thoughts
1 RoboCop Played 7:04:43
Would be much more enjoyable if it had checkpoints, or if the blue robots didn't exist. Cut one of the two and it's a fine game but you can't have both
2 Dynasty Warriors 3 Played 9:57:55
I didn't expect the stats to be so important. Without intense savescumming this would have been impossible. At least it wasn't boring?
3 Pirates of the Caribbean Played 14:24:51
Buggy, unpolished, repetitive, check and MATE
4 Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone Played 4:24:34
LOTR movie games but better. Most of the difficulty came from infinite spawning enemies which is lame. The ladder kicking is intact
5 Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Played 12:19:43
Really fun action gameplay, good bosses. Level design is entirely rectangular hallways
6 Final Fight: Streetwise Played 6:34:49
Surprisingly fun, the weakest link is probably the gameplay though lol
7 Amped: Freestyle Snowboarding Played 22:30:43
I take back every negative thing I ever said about SSX On Tour. Demands way too much perfection, way too long, insane 100% requirement for credits
8 Ford Racing 2 Played 3:05:48
Surprisingly decent. I liked the idea of having different missions for each unique car, but needs more mission variety.
9 Dreamfall: The Longest Journey Playing 4:45:45

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